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New Guidelines, To Treat Childhood Obesity , Released by AAP.
The new guidelines are the first to be released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 15 years.
The AAP issued the guidelines on Jan. 9 as childhood obesity rates continue to increase.
Acknowledging the complexity of the condition,
the guidelines include recommendations for
medications and surgery for the first time.
We now have evidence that obesity therapy is effective. , Dr. Sandra Hassink, AAP Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight Medical Director, via NBC News.
The breakthrough that happened in the last few years was people started realizing that there are hormones made in the gut that have multiple roles related to obesity. , Dr. Joan Han, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, via NBC News.
By targeting these, medications can help people feel full faster and help stabilize insulin levels, Dr. Joan Han, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, via NBC News.
The problem with these medications is they are very expensive and insurance often doesn’t cover them, Dr. Joan Han, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, via NBC News.
Prominent professionals in the field of childhood obesity say that “surgery should be considered
for pediatric patients.”.
There is research that shows that getting bariatric surgery sooner can reverse health issues like Type 2 diabetes and high
blood pressure, Dr. Joan Han, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, via NBC News.
The AAP guidelines prioritize lifestyle changes
over medications and surgery while acknowledging that such changes are not always realistic.
There are a huge number of drivers of obesity that come from the environment itself. The more adverse the environment around you, the harder it is to live a healthy lifestyle, Dr. Sandra Hassink, AAP Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight Medical Director, via NBC News.
We need to make walking places safe, easy and comfortable. We need to figure out ways to leverage existing opportunities for people to exercise and access healthy food that is cheap and convenient, Dr. Joan Han, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, via NBC News.
According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, at least 15 million children in the
U.S. are affected by obesity