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http://drvadimsurikov.com For individuals who have been struggling to lose weight in the past, Dr. Vadim Surikov offers proven medical weight loss methods at his welcoming, state-of-the-art weight loss clinic. As a premier weight loss physician in the New York area, Dr. Surikov understands more than anyone the enormous impact that hunger and cravings can have on your diet. He has made it his mission to help his patients to overcome their dependence on food, thereby helping them to lose the weight and keep it off more permanently.
Food is a lot like alcohol and drugs, in that it can lead to dependence and addiction. Once addicted, weight gain is a given. The person's weight goes up, leading to other serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and the like. In order to avoid these issues and to lose the weight, these individuals need to learn to say “no” to their cravings, change their eating habits, and adopt a more healthy lifestyle.
All weight loss physicians, at least ones that are honest with their patients, understand that losing weight requires consuming fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. While this will lead to weight loss, it's often hard, if not impossible, to continuously avoid these foods through willpower alone. Consuming fewer calories makes you hungry. When hungry, you eat. Unfortunately, this hunger and the cravings it causes will lead many individuals to stop their diet and put the weight back on. However, with Dr. Surikov's patented program, patients are able to eat less food and still feel satisfied. Without the constant hunger, losing weight is far easier.
Dr. Surikov stands apart form other weight loss specialists in his field, largely due to his innovative, all-natural approach. In fact, many of his patients report that this weight loss doctor and weight loss service are so amazing that the results are almost immediate. Finding ways to