[videojs dailymotion =”https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8fzzd5″]
Diabetes is the No. 1 cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and adult blindness.

Do you know diabetes shows early symptoms that you can spot?

Here is what our medical team highlighted

1- Frequent Urination

The kidneys expel excess blood sugar which leads to more rounds to the loo!

2- Thirst

Your body releases valuable fluids from the tissues

This leads to more thirst pangs!

3- Fatigue
Always feeling tired and drowsy!

4- Hunger Pangs

If you feel hungry earlier than others then its time to get a test done

5- Unexplained weight loss
With all food going in if you are still losing weight (beep sound)

6- Tingling & Numbness

7- Blurry Vision

8-Skin discoloration
In short, do not wait for these signs to become big this World Diabetes Day get yourself tested

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