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Hello, my name is Lenny McCrea and I’m a physical therapist and orthopedic and sports medicine rehabilitation specialist. Today I’ll be talking about the implications of a frozen shoulder and how it affects joint mobility and dysfunction. Adhesive capsulitis is a debilitating pathology that we are still trying to fully understand.

It is thoughta that two to 5% of the population will develop this pathology and there seems to be a higher incidence in patients with diabetes Mell. Or a common form of thyroid disease known as hypothyroidism. Furthermore, women are more likely to develop frozen shoulder between the ages of 45 and 65, especially if they have already developed it in their other shoulder.

In patients with frozen shoulder, there is an injury of some sort that is believed to cause an inflammatory response within the joint. This inflammation, also known as synovitis, involves the lining of the joint capsule. Immobilization [00:01:00] surgery and trauma are other common causes. When adhesive capitis is present, patients tend to experience common range of motion deficits.

One example is severely limited external rotation range of motion, and the patient is virtually unable to move the shoulder joint away from the center of the. Frozen shoulder may also involve angiogenesis or new vascular growth, as well as evidence of new nerve growth within the capsule ligamentous complex.

This may explain why patients with this pathology have so much pain during the initial stages of the disease. So that brings us to the end of our discussion today. Thanks for joining me.