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Welcome to CRWENewswire, Stocks to Watch. I am Shalika Jayasekera. Amarin Corporation plc – symbol AMRN – reported that its New Drug Application for AMR101 has been accepted for filing by the FDA. Amarin is developing AMR101 for the treatment of patients with very high triglyceride levels and as a potentially first-in-class therapy for patients with high triglyceride levels who are also on statin therapy for elevated LDL-cholesterol levels. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood. Persons with a high triglyceride level often have other conditions such as diabetes and obesity that also increase the chances of developing heart disease. Amarin Corporation is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company with expertise in lipid science focused on the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Thanks for joining me and have a great day! For CRWE Newswire, Stocks to watch, I’m Shalika Jayasekera