[videojs dailymotion =”https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xszro3″]
This presentation is copied from http://www.immortalitea.com The references to the “add to cart button” and the Newsletter subscription are available on our website.
Gynostemma tea is a little known but powerful herb originating in China. This video details the many health benefits of Gynostemma with focus on the top 6 chronic illnesses in the USA; high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and high cholesterol. It is a powerful tonic herb and often classified as a Superfood.
The health benefits include;
Gynostemma is a powerful adaptogen,
Gynostemma is thought to stimulate increased SOD production
Gynostemma is thought to stimulate increased Nitric Oxide production
and Gynsotemma is rich in saponins.
A bonus is offered at the end of the video. http://youtu.be/1uKvhs6hjxY