
Looking for a low-carb, vegan, on-the-go breakfast? This raspberry smoothie only takes minutes to prep and is sure to energize your morning!

There’s nothing I love more than starting my day with a healthy smoothie. I look for recipes that are high in protein and low in sugar to give me sustained energy without a mid-morning crash.
This raspberry smoothie is a perfect example and one of my favorite ways to jump start my day! Two powerhouse ingredients, coconut milk and tofu, give it an irresistible creaminess along with plenty of protein and healthy fats.
Top it off with raspberries, mint leaves, a little low-carb sweetener, and some vanilla, and you have yourself a super refreshing treat. I can’t think of a better way to energize my morning.
How to make a raspberry smoothie
This delicious, healthy, satisfying smoothie comes together in less than five minutes. Just add the ingredients, blend, and serve!

Step 1: Place the raspberries, mint, stevia, vanilla, and coconut milk in your blender.

Step 2: Blend until completely smooth. Add the ice and blend until smooth again.
Step 3: Lastly, add the silken tofu and blend on high until completely blended.

Step 4: Pour, garnish with fresh raspberries and mint, if preferred, and serve.

You can sip your smoothie at home or take it on-the-go. It’s perfect no matter what you have planned for the day!
Variations for this recipe
One of my favorite parts about smoothies is how easy they are to customize. There are so many ways to get creative!
Looking to reduce the calories and fat content? Swap out some or all of the coconut milk for another low-carb plant-based milk like almond, macadamia, or hemp. If you aren’t worried about carbs, you could use oat milk as well.
Want to add even more protein? Add a scoop of pea protein powder to give yourself an extra boost.
Craving a different flavor? Use blueberries, strawberries, or mixed berries in your smoothie.
Feel free to have some fun with this yummy and versatile recipe!
This smoothie is best served fresh. I would not recommend storing it in the refrigerator.
If you only want one serving, simply halve the ingredients to blend up one smoothie. Then, you can save the rest of the ingredients for a delicious vegan smoothie to enjoy later in the week!

Other low-carb smoothies
Looking for a few more low-carb smoothie options? There are so many yummy, diabetes-friendly options to energize your morning!
Here are a few of my favorite smoothie recipes I know you’ll love:
You can also check out my roundup of low-carb smoothie recipes for more ways to kick-start your day.
When you’ve tried this smoothie, please don’t forget to let me know how you liked it and rate the recipe in the comments below!
Recipe Card
Raspberry Smoothie (Low-Carb)
Looking for a low-carb, vegan, on-the-go breakfast? This raspberry smoothie only takes minutes to prep and is sure to energize your morning!

.wprm-recipe-rating .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #8cc63f; }
Place the raspberries, mint, stevia, vanilla and coconut milk in your blender.
Blend until completely smooth. Add the ice and blend until smooth again.
Lastly add the silken tofu and blend on high until completely blended.
Pour, garnish with fresh raspberries and mint, if preferred, and serve.
Recipe Notes
If you only want 1 serving, halve the ingredients. Storing this smoothie in the refrigerator is not recommend.
Nutrition Info Per Serving
Nutrition Facts
Raspberry Smoothie (Low-Carb)
Amount Per Serving (1 smoothie)
Calories 135
Calories from Fat 51
% Daily Value*
Fat 5.7g9%
Saturated Fat 2g10%
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2g
Monounsaturated Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 21.1mg1%
Potassium 96mg3%
Carbohydrates 12.8g4%
Fiber 4.5g18%
Sugar 4.1g5%
Protein 9.8g20%
Net carbs 8.3g
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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