This delicious matcha smoothie is low-carb, vegan friendly, and so easy to whip up! Great for an energizing breakfast or afternoon pick-me-up.

Matcha smoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on topMatcha smoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on top

Healthy smoothies are one of my favorite ways to start the day, energize my afternoon, or give me a boost after a workout. Unfortunately, many store-bought versions are packed with unwanted sugars (and come with a hefty price tag, too!)

That’s why I prefer to make mine right at home. This delicious matcha smoothie is a great example of one that is vegan-friendly, low in carbs, low in sugar, and packed with nutrients.

And it truly could not be easier to make. Add the ingredients to a blender, blend until smooth, and enjoy! It’s one of my favorite grab-and-go options.

The next time you need a quick breakfast that will have you feeling great all morning or an afternoon snack that won’t weigh you down, give this yummy, green, powerhouse smoothie a try.

How to make a matcha smoothie

Ready to see how easy it is to throw together this tasty recipe?

Step 1: Place the coconut milk, frozen cauliflower, stevia, vanilla, spinach leaves, and matcha powder in your blender.

Smoothie ingredients, unblended, in the blenderSmoothie ingredients, unblended, in the blender

Step 2: Blend until completely smooth.

Blended smoothie in the blender, as seen from aboveBlended smoothie in the blender, as seen from above

Step 3: Add the ice and blend until smooth again.

Blended smoothie in blender with ice cubes on topBlended smoothie in blender with ice cubes on top

Step 4: Pour, garnish with a light dusting of matcha powder, and serve.

It takes less than 5 minutes to have this grab-and-go meal ready to enjoy. You can’t beat that!

Light or full-fat?

I used a full-fat coconut milk from a can for this recipe. It gives the smoothie an incredible creamy consistency but also adds a lot of calories and fat.

If you prefer a lighter smoothie, simply choose a low-fat coconut milk instead.

What is the best smoothie whenyou live with diabetes?

That’s easy: one that includes fiber, protein, and healthy fats without tons of added sugar! A diabetic-friendly smoothie is all about the ingredients.

That’s why I steer clear of smoothie shops unless they openly share their ingredients and their nutritional information. Otherwise, you’d be surprised how unhealthy a commercial smoothie can be.

Most often, I just prepare my own. That way, I know exactly what’s going in it.

This recipe, for example, uses powerhouse ingredients like cauliflower, spinach, and matcha green tea powder. And the sweetness comes from Stevia, a low-carb sweetener that won’t spike your blood sugar.

Finally, the coconut milk gives it that irresistible creaminess while adding a boost of healthy fats. Win-win!

When choosing a smoothie, just make sure you know what’s going in it. The last thing you want is to think you’re getting a healthy meal only to experience a crash a few hours later from all the sugar.

Smoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on topSmoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on top


I recommend serving this smoothie right away. Smoothies that we blend with ice cubes will always have the best texture when they’re fresh.

Only want one serving? Just halve the recipe! You can store the other half of the can of coconut milk in your refrigerator, so you’ll be ready to whip up another smoothie later in the week.

Smoothie in a glass jar with a straw, garnished with fresh matcha powderSmoothie in a glass jar with a straw, garnished with fresh matcha powder

Other low-carb smoothie recipes

There are so many different ways to make amazing, healthy, low-sugar smoothies! If you’re looking for a few more flavors to try, here are some of my favorites that I know you’ll love:

For even more inspiration, you should also check out this roundup I created of the best low-carb smoothies for diabetics!

When you’ve tried this smoothie, please don’t forget to let me know how you liked it and rate the recipe in the comments below!

Recipe Card

Matcha Smoothie

Prep Time:5 minutes

Total Time:5 minutes


Matcha smoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on topMatcha smoothie in a glass jar with a straw and matcha powder sprinkled on top

.wprm-recipe-rating .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #8cc63f; }


  • Place the coconut milk, frozen cauliflower, stevia, vanilla, spinach leaves and matcha powder in your blender.

  • Blend until completely smooth.

  • Add the ice and blend until smooth again.

  • Pour, garnish with a light dusting of matcha powder, and serve.

Recipe Notes

This recipe is for 2 servings.
I recommend serving your smoothie immediately for the best texture and flavor.
I made this with full-fat coconut milk. You can use a light version to significantly reduce the calories and fat, but the smoothie will be slightly less creamy.

Nutrition Info Per Serving

Nutrition Facts

Matcha Smoothie

Amount Per Serving (1 glass)

Calories 286
Calories from Fat 225

% Daily Value*

Fat 25g38%

Saturated Fat 20g100%

Trans Fat 0g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0g

Monounsaturated Fat 0g

Cholesterol 0mg0%

Sodium 64.7mg3%

Potassium 260.6mg7%

Carbohydrates 7.1g2%

Fiber 1.7g7%

Sugar 2.4g3%

Protein 3.7g7%

Net carbs 5.4g

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Course: Breakfast, Smoothie, Snack

Cuisine: American

Keyword: low carb, low carb smoothie, matcha smoothie, vegan, vegan smoothie

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