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How to Get Rid of Visceral Fat the Healthy Way!r
Usually, when one speaks of having the goal to burn the fat around their stomach, one basically refers to, is two separate kinds of fat deposits, the first one is visceral fat also known as the ive fat and the fat under your skin or the subcutaneous fat. The latter is ually the one you can “see” when you pinch your arms, belly, thighs or any “loose” and “jiggly” part of your body. Visceral fat is, however, a lot harder to notice since it surrounds the organs in your midsection, like the pancreas, liver and it also surrounds your intestines.r
How to Get Rid of Visceral Fat the Healthy Way!r
Fitness and Health, Lose Fatr
Usually, when one speaks of having the goal to burn the fat around their stomach, one basically refers to, is two separate kinds of fat deposits, the first one is visceral fat also known as the ive fat and the fat under your skin or the subcutaneous fat. The latter is ually the one you can “see” when you pinch your arms, belly, thighs or any “loose” and “jiggly” part of your body. Visceral fat is, however, a lot harder to notice since it surrounds the organs in your midsection, like the pancreas, liver and it also surrounds your intestines.r
Why is it not good to have a big visceral fat body percentage?r
Having a big visceral fat percentage in your body can cause a serious interference with the proper functioning of the liver as well as inhibit proper hormonal messaging between the bodys vital organs. This can ultimately cause resistance to insulin which can set the road to developing diabetes, high blood pressure, increase cholesterol and increase the risk of developing heart disease. Large deposits of visceral fat have been related to various types of cancer, like colorectal and breast cancer, stroke, dementia and Alzheimers disease.r
Whats more a larger midsection in combination with an increased blood pressure, high triglyceride levels in your blood, low levels of good cholesterol and increasing blood sugar levels are symptoms of the so-called “Syndrome X”, which appears when the stores of visceral fat are high. However, all is not lost. There is a way to stop the deposits of this type of fat and reverse it altogether. Changes in your lifestyle which include proper diet and increased physical ivity will increase the bodys usage of the visceral fat deposits and decrease the risk for heart disease development.r
How to diagnose and fix the problem?r
The best way to find out if you have too much visceral fat is to measure your midsection. And the most precise way to find out if you are at a risk is to have a CT scan or MRI scan. These procedures are very expensive and not necessary from a medical standpoint. Nonetheless, having a waist measuring more than 30 inches for women and 40 inches for men is a clear indicator that there is an excess of stomach fat, even though you might have a healthy weight and seem to be in an overall good health.r