
This quick and easy cauliflower potato salad is packed with delicious flavor! It’s a perfect low-carb side for picnics, barbeques, and get-togethers.

I love finding new ways to use cauliflower. From pizza crusts to mashed potatoes, I’m always amazed at the ways you can use this ingredient to replace high-carb ones.
One of my favorite recent discoveries is this amazing cauliflower potato salad. Despite the name, there are no potatoes in this dish at all — but some people may never notice the difference!
By cooking the florets for just under 5 minutes, they’ll become tender while still retaining some of their firmness. That’s what gives them a similar texture to potatoes.
Then, simply toss with the dressing, celery, hardboiled egg, and onion to complete your fauxtato salad! It’s perfect for summer picnics, barbeques, or any kind of get-together where you need a low-carb side.
How to make cauliflower potato salad
Start to finish, this recipe can be ready in 20 minutes or less.
Step 1: Whisk together the dressing ingredients, then place in the refrigerator while you make the rest of the salad.

Step 2: Bring a pot of water to a boil, then add the cauliflower florets. Cook for just under 5 minutes so that the cauliflower is still firm, then drain and rinse under cold water immediately to stop the cooking process.
Step 3: In a large bowl, add the cauliflower, celery, chopped eggs, onion, and dressing.

Step 4: Toss to mix well, then garnish with chopped green onion.

You can dig in to this dish right away, or you can store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to enjoy!

Is this cauliflower faux-tato salad keto-friendly?
One serving of this dish contains 7.1 grams of carbohydrates and 2.6 grams of fiber. With 4.5 grams of net carbs, it’s a great option for anyone following a keto diet!
For the dressing, I like to use Greek yogurt as my base. If you don’t incorporate yogurt into your keto way of eating, you’re welcome to use mayonnaise instead. This will add a little fat as well.
Either way, this dish is still a great low-carb replacement for traditional potato salad. Cauliflower has a much lower glycemic index than starchy potatoes, making them a more diabetic-friendly food.

Just like traditional potato salad, this cauliflower fauxtato salad gets better with time! Storing it in the refrigerator really allows the flavors to deepen.
Simply store your salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for up to 5 days.

Other tasty cauliflower recipes
Want to see what else cauliflower can do? It’s such an amazing ingredient for making some of your favorite comfort foods diabetic-friendly! Here are a few more recipes I know you’ll love:
I also put together this roundup of my favorite low-carb cauliflower recipes for even more inspiration!
When you’ve tried this dish, please don’t forget to let me know how you liked it and rate the recipe in the comments below!
Recipe Card
Cauliflower Potato Salad
This quick and easy cauliflower potato salad is packed with delicious flavor! It’s a perfect low-carb side for picnics, barbeques, and get-togethers.

.wprm-recipe-rating .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * { fill: #8cc63f; }
Whisk together the dressing ingredients, then place in the refrigerator while you make the rest of the salad.
Bring a pot of water to a boil, then add the cauliflower florets. Cook for just under 5 minutes so that the cauliflower is still firm, then drain and rinse under cold water immediately to stop the cooking process.
In a large bowl, add the cauliflower, celery, chopped eggs, onion, and dressing.
Toss to mix well, then garnish with chopped green onion.
Recipe Notes
You can substitute the Greek yogurt for mayonnaise if you prefer.
This dish can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Nutrition Info Per Serving
Nutrition Facts
Cauliflower Potato Salad
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 66
Calories from Fat 14
% Daily Value*
Fat 1.5g2%
Saturated Fat 0.4g2%
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0g
Monounsaturated Fat 0g
Cholesterol 58.3mg19%
Sodium 310.9mg13%
Potassium 356.3mg10%
Carbohydrates 7.1g2%
Fiber 2.6g10%
Sugar 3.2g4%
Protein 5.3g11%
Net carbs 4.5g
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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