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In This Video, we ‘ll Learn about Side Effects of Cold Drinks on Human Body.
And we ‘ll Learn About Scientific Researches On Soft Drink and Is Soft Drink Good For Health?

Not only do soft drinks offer no nutrition, they also contain harmful chemicals. Their high sugar content,
often high-fructose corn syrup, can cause diabetes and affect the heart and liver.
Preservatives like phosphoric acid can cause bone loss and kidney disease and citric acid can cause severe dental erosion.
The caramel color in cola and the chemicals in the containers are also linked to cancer.
Drink infused water or kombucha instead.

A rare glass of soda is not poison, but a can of cola a day certainly is.
If you are in the habit of guzzling cans of soft drinks after a hot day out, with your evening spirit,
or to wash down a meal, you need to go easy. The harmful effects of soft drinks extend beyond weight gain and obesity.
Soft drinks can cause diabetes, asthma, heart, liver, and kidney disease, bone loss, tooth decay, and cancer.

Any beverage without “hard” alcohol or dairy products in it may come under the bracket of soft drinks,
but they usually indicate the sweet, bubbly, carbonated sodas or flavored drinks retailing across the country.
The “Contains No Fruit” label ironically tells us about the zero nutritional content of the drink.
More worrying than the lack of nutrition, however, is the high level of unhealthy ingredients in the average soft drink
and the health risk they pose.

So exactly what health conditions does having soft drinks give rise to? Here’s the list.

Having 1 or more soft drinks per day leads to a substantial weight gain and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes in women.
3 In men too, having 1 or 2 servings of such drinks daily increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (by 26%) and metabolic syndrome.

Diet Soda Can Make You Gain Weight

And no, diet soda doesn’t help. Contrary to what they are advertised for,
diet sodas may actually make you gain weight.
Researchers believe that artificial sweeteners in the sodas don’t satisfy your sweet tooth
like normal sugar and you tend to reach for more sugar as a result.5
Plus, aspartame is an artificial sweetener
that has been under the scanner since the 1980s. Although experts have cleared it for now,
aspartame has been implicated in cancer in some animal studies.6 Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol
may also cause irritable bowel syndrome liquid