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You put a beautiful smile on your face that tells everyone you are happy, But what about those teeth? In today’s video, Dr. Kumar Vadivel explains what your teeth can tell about your health.

Hi. I’m Dr. Kumar Vadivel. I’m a periodontal dentist who understands that there is a definite connection between your oral health and the health of your body.

Recent studies show that when people let their oral health go, that they tend to end up with a number of other potentially serious medical complications. Your mouth really is the door to your body and its condition affects everything else. They are linked together.

The reason this occurs is because when you have an infection in your mouth from gum disease, the bacteria from it enters your blood stream and proceeds to travel throughout your body. It can accumulate on the walls of your arteries, for instance, and begin to reduce the flow of blood to your heart. This can cause hardening of the arteries, a heart attack, and possibly even a stroke.

Many other medical problems are also often caused by poor dental health. This includes diabetes, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, infertility, ED, respiratory infections, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and more.

I am telling you all of this because you need to know that taking care of your teeth is really helping take care of your body. It can help you live longer. The more serious your gum disease symptoms are, the faster you should seek periodontal treatment.

In many cases, treating gum disease will help to reduce your risk levels of the diseases I just mentioned. If you do not have a good dental health regimen, I want to encourage you to get started today with brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing. More severe gum disease needs to be treated right away to reduce your risk of serious health problems.