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Diabetes and its complications were commonly referred to as Prameha in the early texts of Ayurveda. For it to be discovered, diabetes patients had recurrent urinary issues including the presence of sugar and increase in the frequency of micturition. Diabetes was classified according to factors such as whether the patient was lean or obese. In Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, the causes have an important relationship with the remedy. The factors that cause diabetes are:

Overeating- excessive consumption of food especially those with a lot of fat.
Oversleeping- too much indulgence in sleep is another factor.
Sedentary living and general laziness.
From the factors that predispose one to get diabetes, it is clear that avoiding them will be the first step in combating the disease. Purification needs to be done using therapies like panchakarma before one gets to use the remedies for diabetes. Obese people will need this purification while lean people will be subjected to nourishing therapies in the preliminary stages of treatment. The next stage is usually to take Ayurvedic medicines which include Saptarangi, Haridra, and Nimba. While the list of herbal medicines is endless, they need to be taken in correct formulations for maximum efficacy.

Saptarangi- Salacia Oblonga
The Salacia oblonga is very effective in obese people who have diabetes type 2. This medicine will not only reduce the blood sugar levels, but it will also deal with high cholesterol levels as well as prevent diabetic complications like retinopathy. This drug acts through a glucosidase inhibition pathway that eventually leads to reduced absorption of unnecessary glucose into the blood. It binds to the enzymes responsible for digesting carbohydrates in the gut and prevents them from availing too much glucose in the intestinal brush border.

Seva Dham Plus

KH 57 Manav Mandir, Ring Road, Sarai Kale Khan
Behind Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Block A, Ganga Vihar
New Delhi, Delhi 110013, India

+91 99996 09878
