[videojs dailymotion =”https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x635gqd”]
Learn nurse salary statistics for the major types of nurses. This video covers both the annual salary averages for nurses, as well as hourly wage averages. These are the latest statistics available, and they cover year new.r
This video will cover the following nurses:r
-Nursing assistant salary (or CNA salary and hourly wage)r
-LPN salary and hourly wager
-RN salary and hourly wager
-Nurse midwife salary and hourly wager
-Nurse pritioner salary and hourly wager
-Nurse anesthetist (CRNA) salary and hourly wager
-Clinical nurse specialist salary and hourly wager
Also included is a brief overview of the nursing scope, education level, projected job growth rate, and average income statistics.r
The good news is that nursing is still enjoy high demand and a great projected growth rate. Salary figures continue to increase for nurses.r
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